Access too Justice (A2J) is a major socio legal issue that is troubling governments around the world. India is no exception and India is finding it very diffcult to cope up with growing demands of A2J and affordable legal services.
As the policies and technology adoption in India is conducive for meeting the A2J objectives, we just need an online platform that can achieve that. But the problem would not be solved by merely launching such an online platform as technology has brought forward some very novel legal issues too. These are Techno Legal issues that cannot be resolve by using either law or technology. We need a combination of technology and law to manage the same. In short, we need Techno Legal solutions for our contemporary A2J problems in India and other parts of the world.
Keeping this mind PTLB has launched a dedicated online Techno Legal Telelaw Project for Indian and international stakeholders. The Telelaw project of PTLB is the only portal of its type and it is providing Techno Legal services in areas like cyber law, cyber security, cyber forensics, startups, selective e-commerce services, traditional legal issues, intellectual property rights, etc. The list is just illustrative and many more Techno Legal services are offered by the Telelaw project of PTLB.
A Blog is also maintained by the Telelaw project to discuss various Techno Legal issues and to spread awareness about this project. National and international stakeholders can analyse this blog for more details about our project and the procedure, requirements, etc to avail our telelaw services.